Upcoming Events
Weekly Update 1/23
- CASTING CALL REGISTRATION FOR THE SPRING ICE SHOW is now open! Doing this and making sure your membership with FCFSC is up to date are your first steps in being part of the show! Click here to find details and register.
- SPONSORSHIPS: We are seeking sponsors for our upcoming spring ice show. Are you or do you know of someone who might be interested in sponsoring it? Please write and let us know at fcfigureskating@gmail.com; use subject: sponsorships. Once information about this year's opportunities is updated, you will be contacted with details about sponsorships or volunteering.
The city of Fort Collins is offering some spring break skating opportunities through mini-camps. Please see the following and sign up with the city as you would Recreator classes. Here are the details:
Chill out this spring break at Edora Ice Pool Center (EPIC)! The following skating camps were JUST announced! Camps fill fast. Register today.
moreIce Show Casting Call - Tested Skaters
If you have any questions, please email the club at the email address below
moreIce Show Casting Call - Learn to Skate
If you have any questions, please email the club at the email address below
moreWeekly Update 1/14/2025
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL INFO SESSION: Do you have questions about renewing your club membership before Fort Collins Classic and the spring ice show? Membership chair Stacey Knuckey will be available to guide you TOMORROW (Thursday, January 16th) at EPIC meeting room A/B, 6-7pm. Come get your questions answered.
Just added:
- NEW Advanced Jumps on Mondays at 5pm
- NEW Beginner Jumps on Fridays at 5:15pm
- NEW Spins on Fridays at 5:45pm
Beginning Monday, January 27th Coach Kristin will offer a new 10 week session of jumps class! If you haven't yet signed up, here's the link: Jumps/ Spins Registration
Most skaters have been missing the off ice jumping component. This class will super-charge the strength of the jumps and speed up jump progress. The following levels will be offered:
-Beginner jumps-meaning waltz through lutz jump. We will go through the 4 phases of a jump- set up, take off, flight path and landing, along with proper posture and form. We will work on anchoring and landing body alignment. We will also develop core strength, balance and flexibility through specific exercises geared towards all phases of each jump. Training will also entail waking up the fast twitch muscles with several exercises. Only a few skaters use their fast twitch muscles often and some skaters have to “wake them up” and develop them, this becomes even more important in axels and doubles. Developing this at an early age with make the more difficult jumps easier.
moreWeekly Update
CLUB ICE: will be available THIS SATURDAY, 12/21 from 12:45-2:15pm in the green rink. **More club ice is scheduled. Please refer to our website for upcoming dates/ times.**
In less than two weeks, on December 29th the club will be holding a major fundraiser for our spring ice show--Winter in Whoville. We're trying to engage as many people as we can and appeal to our greater NoCo community to support us as we face a greater challenge with ice show expenses expected to increase.
- Promotional posters are now available! We are asking for a few people to volunteer outside of EPIC to hang posters around town at various sites to help promote this family-friendly event. If you would like to help or have a suggestion of places to include, please email: fcfsc.sharenews@gmail.com.
- We also will need helping hands at the event itself. Please take see how you can help and sign up here:
Right now there is so much going on it’s sometimes hard to keep everything straight. Hopefully this email helps!
- The latest newsletter is published. Please find it on our website under “Newsletters
- We are still in need of five volunteers for Sunday's Winterfest. Please consider helping; write fcfsc.treasurer@gmail.com to volunteer your time. It will be counted toward your family's membership requirements.
- Jimmy Morgan comes for private lessons and clinics THIS SATURDAY! We still have a few slots open for the performance clinic, are half-full for the adult clinic, and have many openings to fill for our Learn to Skate group. If you know of someone who has been meaning to sign up but hasn't yet, now is the time to nudge them! Sign up here: Jimmy Morgan Clinics
Colorado Gives Day is Today!
Dear FCFSC Members,
It’s GivingTuesday—a perfect time to come together, support the causes you love, and make a real impact! When you give today to FCFSC through ColoradoGives.org, you get to be a part of GivingTuesday, and your donation will also count toward Colorado Gives Day.
And here’s the best part:
● Every donation today increases our chance to earn extra funds from the Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund, so your gift could go even further.
● Giving early means you’re already part of Colorado’s biggest giving event—and you’re helping us build momentum to reach our goals.
How to Give:
1. Visit https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/Fort-Collins-Figure-Skating-Club/welcome
2. Make your donation today, on GivingTuesday.
3. Share the love. Encourage others to join in and help us make a difference.
Your generosity today will have a lasting impact, helping us support members in all disciplines of competitive figure skating, including:
– Free skating
moreWeekly Update 11/14/24
FCFSC Members,
Can you believe we're halfway through November?! Here is your weekly update with events to note through January:
Winter Fest Registration
Winterfest is Sunday, December 8th from 2:00 to 6:00pm, Blue Rink at EPIC. Registration is open now; its deadline is Monday, November 26th. Click here to access the registration form.
December 1st, 12:00-2:00pm (Club Ice session will be held following.)
Sign up for a slot by clicking here.
Seeking New FCFSC Board Members
Please consider serving your FCFSC skaters. The Fort Collins Figure Skating Club is seeking a board member to complete a vacant director at large position for the remainder of this membership year. Applicants need to fill out this application by November 18th to be considered by our nominating committee. The nominating committee will review applications and make their recommendation to the Board for our December Board meeting. The board will appoint a member to fill this position during the December Board meeting based on the nominating committee's recommendation. Applicants must be full members of the Fort Collins Figure Skating club and in good standing to apply. Click here to apply.
moreWeekly Update 11/6
FCFSC Members,
Winterfest Registration
Winterfest is Sunday, December 8th from 2:00 to 6:00pm, Blue Rink at EPIC. Registration is open now; its deadline is Monday, November 26th. Click here to access the registration form.
Sign ups to participate in this year's Winter Fest (Sunday, December 8th) will be released soon. Keep an eye on your inbox over the next couple weeks for details.
Photos from Fright Fest Still Available to Purchase
Hello Participants! Please find the professional images that were taken at Fright Fest 2024 by visiting this link. You'll find them separated by event and in skating order. Images are still available for download and you can purchase individual digitals or all of your images by visiting the store attached to the gallery. The watermark is removed when you purchase the digital or print. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jennifer at jen@bluesagephoto.com
moreOff Ice JUMP Classes
Coach Kristin Conroy will be instructing a new off-ice jumps class. Two levels will be offered and it's a definite way to quickly improve your jumps on ice!
Please join us for an 8 week class. Classes will be held on Mondays starting 9/30 - 11/18. All classes will be held in the Conditioning Room at EPIC.
Beginner Class - 5:30-6:00 at EPIC $40
Advanced Class - 6:00-6:30 at EPIC $50
Please make sure to note which level class you would like to participate in. We have a limited amount of space in each class. Email to register: fcfigureskating@gmail.com
moreSkate Swap - Sat Sept 21st
Get ready for the upcoming season. Join us for our annual Skate Swap. This is a fun event to get everything you need for your skater! Proceeds go to the Fire Crystal synchro teams.
Drop off dates: Sept 19th 5-7pm and Sept 20th 5-7pm.
Skate Swap VOLUNTEER Sign Up Link
moreUpcoming Info
Here is a reminder about upcoming events along with exciting new ones to add to your calendars!
Please make it a priority to attend this year's annual meeting for Fort Collins Figure Skating Club! We are voting on changes to the bylaws, and we need to have a quorum of eligible voting members to do so; voting members are full home club members over the age of 18, single adult members, professional members and collegiate members. Need other reasons to attend? FOOD AND PRIZES! We have food and a raffle for 3 10-punch skate passes. Meeting starts at 9am. We look forward to seeing you at 9am SATURDAY!
MEMBER NEWS: If you would like to submit photos or items to include in the next newsletter, please send it to fcfsc.sharenews@gmail.com BY AUGUST 19th. Caption any photos with who is pictured, what event it's from and other details you wish to share.
moreNew Information for Ice Show Participants!
To all registered 2024 Ice Extravaganza skaters:
Thank you to everyone who has already come to the Ice Show 101 classes so far! There will be one more this Thursday May 2, from 5-6pm in Community Room C at Epic. Learn what to expect for Tech week, dress rehearsals and Show day! Here's the latest updates!
Skate with Parent If you would like to participate with Skate with Parent sign up on this form HERE. Skate with Parent is optional and very easy! There are 2 rehearsals, Friday May 3, 6:30-7:15 and Wednesday May 8, 5:15-5:45pm. You may borrow skates from skate rental and keep till the end of the shows. Return skates after the 6pm show on Saturday.
Rehearsals! This is the last week of the regular rehearsal schedule. "Tech week" starts this Friday, May 3rd with ALL SKATERS attending! First half skaters (Emmys and Oscars) attend 5:15-5:50pm for the first half wrap up and Grand finale practice (ALL TESTED SKATERS and second half LTS Tonys and Grammys) 5:50-6:30pm Skate with Parent is from 6:30-7:15pm. Sunday May 5th *Costumes mandatory* ALL SKATERS First half skaters (Emmys and Oscars) 10-11am and Second half skaters (Grammys and Tonys) 11am-12pm.
moreInfo For Week of 4/29 - 5/4
Ice Show Rehearsals for the week of April 29-May 4 (see picture)
Off Ice Dance Class updates:
Dance class participants! There will NOT be a dance class held on May 24th. That class will be moved to Friday May 17th (this date was originally not available but is now).
Ice Show 101 Class
Parents who are new to the FCFSC Ice Show or anyone who would like a refresher on how tech week, dress rehearsal and show day will go please come to the Ice Show 101 Class from 5-6 pm in the Community Room C in Epic on Tuesday April 30th or Thursday May 2nd.
Please check out our link for our volunteer Sign Up. *Be sure to read the description for the Staging Rooms to find the room where your skater will be located for the entirety of the show.*
We need our families to share jobs to help make the show happen! The Ice Show can only happen when we all share the work. Find a time where you can best help to watch kids, work spotlights, sell concessions, build the set and rink ahead of the show, take tickets or work a security shift.
moreUpdate on Classic, Ice Show, and more!
The competition event schedule is up. Log onto https://www.usfsaonline.org to view it.
Volunteer sign up is now open!! Click here and select how you will help at the competition; there are 170 openings. Thank you for doing your part to make the competition run smoothly. No experience necessary; try something new!
Options to donate for hospitality will be posted soon.
The full ice show rehearsal schedule is published on our website! Find your name in the cast and scroll down the page to view the rehearsal times for your specific group!
**JUST FOR THE TESTED SKATERS** You will have off ice rehearsals on April 8th and 10th from 4:45pm-6:15 pm; meet in Community Rooms A and C with your groups and coaches.
Questions regarding any of the above? Please email the club: fcfigureskating@gmail.com
moreQdoba Fundraiser - Sun, April 7th from 4pm-8pm (During FC Classic!)
Let Qdoba help fill you up during the crazy Sunday of Fort Collins Classic Competition.
Address: 2638 S Timberline Rd Fort Collins, CO 80525
moreSmashburger Fundraiser - Thurs, April 4th from 11am - 9pm (During FC Classic!)
Let Smashburger help fill you up during the crazy Thursday of Fort Collins Classic Competition.
moreModern Market Fundraiser - Fri, April 5th from 11am - 4pm (During FC Classic!)
Let Modern Market help fill you up during the crazy Friday of Fort Collins Classic Competition.
moreProgram Run Through at EPIC on Sun, March 24th from 4:15-5:15pm on Blue rink - $12 per program
Here is the Google Form to sign up for the Program Run Through.
Skaters limited to 2 programs until Sun, March 17th. Cost is $12 per program - you will be billed. If there are spots left, then skaters can sign up for more programs. Coach Katie will make the order a week prior so skaters know what program is going first, second, etc.
Music needs to be emailed by Fri, March 15th to fcfigureskating@gmail.com so a playlist can be built.
moreSubmissions for quarterly club newsletter
Did your skater place at a competition do accomplish something you'd like to have the club share in our quarterly newsletter? Please share it. Send photos and information (caption) to:
Additionally, if you'd like to nominate someone for skater of the quarter please send their name to the above email address. If you wish to be considered yourself, please complete this form:
Skater of the Quarter Entry Form
NOTE: ALL submissions are due by Wednesday, February 28th. Thank you!
moreEPIC RINK CLOSURE: Tuesday, March 5th from 8:45am - 3:00pm
Please note the following rink closures at EPIC next Tuesday, March 5th:
Morning Freestyle will run till 8:45am.
Otherwise, rinks are closed from 8:30am-3pm. Cancellations include: all public skate, drop-in hockey, stick and puck, fitness, and other freestyle sessions. Please contact EPIC front desk with any questions: 970-221-6683.
The Annual Fort Collins Figure Skating Club Banquet will take place on Saturday evening, February 24th, 2024 at the Fort Collins Country Club, 5:30pm-9:00pm!
The club banquet is a way that we recognize our skaters, from our young developing Learn to Skate members up to our graduating high school seniors and our hard working adult skaters! We share our appreciation for our coaches, volunteers and our families by recognizing all our accomplishments over the past year. The banquet is a way to celebrate one another and look forward to all that is coming ahead. Plus it is a fun evening to socialize and get to know one another away from the ice rink.
We will have dinner catered by the Fort Collins Country Club which will include appetizers, a buffet dinner, desert and a cash bar. We will also have a raffle for some fun prizes including an E-Bike and 3 25 visit skate passes! We will have a wonderful slideshow, music and a photo booth for people to take pictures.
Attire is "cocktail party chic" and dancing is encouraged! Please share your individual or group skating photos for our slide show. Photos can be emailed to: fcfscphotos@gmail.com
moreREMINDER: dance classes for this session begin THIS FRIDAY!!! Sign up now to participate.
Start your 2024 year of skating off on the right foot!
>>>The FCFSC Board of Directors is excited to announce the continued opportunity to participate in dance/ballet classes on Friday afternoons at EPIC with our fine dance instructor Kathy Vreeland! <<<
Classes begin Friday January 12thand end May 24th.
WHO: FCFSC Members of all ages!
WHEN: Fridays 4:15-5pm for ages 12 and under
Fridays 5-6pm for ages 13 and older
WHERE: EPIC Off Ice Conditioning Room just outside the Green Rink
COST: 12 and under 45 minute class is $120 for the semester
13 and above 60 minute class is $150 for the semester
There will be NO CLASSES on:
March 15--- PSD Spring Break
April 5--- Fort Collins Classic Competition
May 10--- Ice Extravaganza Dress Rehearsal
May 17--- Instructor Not Available
*There are 16 classes available for the semester and the first class is free for members to "try before you buy"!
moreLearn To Skate Spring Ice Show Registration Information
All LTS participants are invited to participate with the Ice Show.
Ice Show is May 11, 2024, shows at 1pm and 6pm
All participants must be members of the Fort Collins Figure Skating Club and have a current USFSA Compete USA membership through the Fort Collins Figure Skating Club at a fee of $30 Sign up for Club Membership
Rehearsals will be April 15th-May10. Club membership enables communications and makes us compliant with the US Figure Skating Sanction.
Participants are required to attend on ice casting Call on January 31st 5pm-6pm for show registration followed by costume measuring. Ice Show participation registration is $80 which covers ice time and coaching fees.
$80 Costume fee will be invoiced to the registering family.
Participants must enroll and pay fees by February 1, 2024. Enroll in the ice show
Tickets go on sale April 1, 2024
Email questions to fcfigureskating@gmail.com
moreWinter/Spring Off Ice Dance Classes
Start your 2024 year of skating off on the right foot!
>>>The FCFSC Board of Directors is excited to announce the continued opportunity to participate in dance/ballet classes on Friday afternoons at EPIC with our fine dance instructor Kathy Vreeland! <<<
Classes begin Friday January 12thand end May 24th.
WHO: FCFSC Members of all ages!
WHEN: Fridays 4:15-5pm for ages 12 and under
Fridays 5-6pm for ages 13 and older
WHERE: EPIC Off Ice Conditioning Room just outside the Green Rink
COST: 12 and under 45 minute class is $120 for the semester
13 and above 60 minute class is $150 for the semester
There will be NO CLASSES on:
March 15--- PSD Spring Break
April 5--- Fort Collins Classic Competition
May 10--- Ice Extravaganza Dress Rehearsal
May 17--- Instructor Not Available
*There are 16 classes available for the semester and the first class is free for members to "try before you buy"!
moreFriday February 2nd Test Session Registration
A new test session is now available to our skaters:
Test Session for Friday, February 2, 2024
Please login to your membership account to register a family member for this test session.
Date of session: Fri, Feb 2, 2024
Signup deadline: Thu, Jan 18, 2024 11:59 PM
moreIce Show Registration OPEN!
Follow the link HERE to get to the Entryeeze site for registering your skater for what events they would like to participate in. You will need your skater's USFSA number.
A couple of details:
*Only Fort Collins Figure Skating Club members may participate.
*Skate with Parent number is free, we will have a signup for that later.
*Learn To Skate families will register at the Learn to Skate Casting Call on January 31, 2024.
*Tested skaters who would like to be a Learn to Skate Helper can register for that at no cost but will need to purchase their own costume.
*Registration closes on February 18, 2024
Please email fcfigureskating@gmail.com with any questions
moreWinterfest 2023
Winterfest is back!
The Fort Collins Figure Skating Club is honored to again to produce our 3rd annual Winterfest Exhibition Skate at Epic on Saturday December 16th, 2023 from 2:15-5:45pm on the Blue Rink. All club members, full and compete USA, may sign up for up to 2 programs. Programs consist of solo(s), duet/trio(s), or mini productions.
Cost is $15/program. Sign up using the form below. EACH SKATER NEEDS TO SIGN UP, i.e. if a duet signs up, both skaters need to fill out the form but it is one $15 charge for the program.
Music length time limits for each level are listed below. These are *limits* and programs may be shorter. For all group numbers, use the music length limit of the highest level skater in the group.
moreProgram Run Throughs Sunday October 8th
Need to practice your program for Fright Fest? Sign up here to schedule a run though. Cost is $16/run though for single/duet/trio and $32/Mini Production and is payable at the time of sign up.
Sunday October 8th 4:15-5:45pm on the BLUE RINK. Plan to be at the rink in costume ready to go by 4pm. We will sign up for specific groupsat this time. First come, first served.
There will be room for 20 run throughs. 4 groups of 5 with a short warm up (20 minutes/group)
moreFALL 2023 Dance!
Dance is an essential component of figure skating, as it helps skaters develop the artistic expression and movement needed to perform at a high level. One of the key benefits of dance training for figure skaters is improved body awareness and control.
The Fort Collins Figure Skating Club is excited to offer dance classes this Fall of 2023.
Ballet and contemporary dance teacher from Studio West Dance Center will teach dance classes for figure skaters at EPIC on Fridays starting October 6th and going to December 15th.
Classes will include ballet and contemporary instruction.
Classes will take place in the Off Ice Conditioning Room on FRIDAYS:
Classes for 12 and under: 4:15-5:00 pm COST $90
Classes for 13 and up: 5:00-6:00 pm COST $120
TO sign up fill out the form below and you will be invoiced for the entire semester: $90 for the 45 minute class and $120 for the 1 hour class. This cost is for the WHOLE SEMESTER. There will be no drop in rate or pro-rated rates. This is a one time fee.
Class size is limited so SIGN UP SOON! You will not be considered “registered” until you have paid your emailed invoice.
moreSaturday September 16th Annual Meeting, Skate Swap, FREE Conditioning And Dance Classes And FREE SKATING!
Please Join Us Saturday September 16th Starting At 9am For A Day Of Fun At The Rink.
9-11am Annual Meeting In The Community Room At EPIC. BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED. Open To Club Members Only.
9-1pm Skate Swap In The Front Lawn Under The Tents At EPIC. All Proceeds Benefit The Fire Crystals Synchronized Skating Teams. Open To The Public!
11-11:40am OFF ICE Class In The Conditioning Room With Rink Personal Trainer Nancy*
11:45-12:30pm OFF ICE Class In The Conditioning Room With Rink Personal Trainer Nancy*
12:45-1:30pm OFF ICE Dance Class (Contemporary And/Or Ballet) In The Conditioning Room With Dance Instructor Kathy Vreeland*
1:35-2:20pm OFF ICE Dance Class (Contemporary And/Or Ballet) In The Conditioning Room With Dance Instructor Kathy Vreeland*
*This event is open to club members and people who are currently enrolled in Learn to Skate Classes at EPIC and their friends and family.